Friday, January 13, 2012

Yummy Fruit Smoothies!

Ok so I truly love fruit smoothies but we made a rule in our home (treat our selfs out once a month or at most twice !) yup once a month or twice a month  and that includes EVERYTHING not just fast food but coffee, ice cream and even fruit smoothies and we try to stick to this as best we can, so I have been looking around the internet for great easy fast recipes for smoothies, and finally found one a few weeks ago and wanted to share it with you

I bought some fresh strawberries blueberries kiwi and bannanas cut everything up and put it on a thin plastic cutting mat that i bought from the doller tree, make sure that the fruit is not touching each other and place it in the freezer for i think about 35 min or until frozen they should pop right off once there frozen then place them in freezer bags in freezer til ready for use and they wont be stuck together 

I put  plain yogert in to a few ice trays and put them into a large zip lock bag also and pop them out and into the blender , Its been such a blessing how fast and easy its been to make and have a fruit smoothie for both me my hubby and kiddos 

I put a cup of fruit into each bag so when i was ready to make a fruit smoothie I would grab one bag and 4 yogery cups add a lil juice or milk and was ready to go


  1. yum! We love smoothies! good for your little one growing inside too :)

  2. I am a smoothie consumer! The one I drink the most if the Green Smoothie...which is absolutely nothing but the full power of health for our bodies and wee ones within ...wink wink
    1/2 cup of almond milk, 1 banana, 1 1/2 large handful of baby spinach leaves, 1 cup of ice...blend....if you enjoy bananas you will like this smoothie and all that richness just oozes into your blood stream spreading good health all over....

  3. This is a GREAT idea! How easy to have a smoothie fast this way. Love it!


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