Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Our sweet Sunday

Hello everyone I just wanted to share some sweet pictures of our sunday we spent at our home church in southern Cali,
I love these kids

So cute
Tommy was so blessed to see his friends

spent the day loving and charishing all Grandmas that day

GG and Grandma Sue

Thank you Jesus

 we were only there for a short time  for a very special reason but One thing for sure we spent some good time with these  amazing women before we left
Prov 31:31 Honor her for all her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.

1 comment:

  1. Being a Nannie...I know what it means to just see our GRANDsons for even 5 minutes!! And, they seem to enjoy us, too....;-) Thanks for your encouraging words at Jeremiah 29:11....I truly cherish when my sweet readers comment!!! HOPE you have a blessed day!!!


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