Friday, December 9, 2011

Just want to share some poems I found ;) so pretty

If the world were full of Christians
who studied their Bible daily,
who really did believe
God’s commands applied to them,
who put what they learned
in God’s Holy Word into practice,
their actions reflecting that Word,
then earth would be close to heaven.
If the world were full of Christians
who knew that being a Christian
is more than going to church,
who lived their lives according to God’s will,
service to Him their main purpose,
who practiced Jesus’ teachings
every day, with everyone they met,
loving and helping their neighbors,
then the earth would be a place
of heavenly harmony and peace.
By Joanna Fuchs

I’m Trying, But…
I’m trying, but…
what I want to do,
I don’t do enough of,
and what I don’t want to do,
I do too much of.
I know the rules for a Christian life,
according to the Bible,
and I’m trying; I really am, but…
heaven and eternity seem so far away,
and the rampantly materialistic world
presses in so close
from every direction, every side,
that I get distracted.
Focus, focus, focus!
I need to focus, laser-like
on a simple, God-centered life.
Do I really need
to make that frivolous purchase,
instead of giving the money
to someone who needs it
so much more than I do?
Can I watch that TV show,
read that book, listen to that song
that contains (and promotes!)
even a little bit
of what the Bible forbids,
without being corrupted?
Do I do enough
to love and help and encourage others?
Pride always hovers,
eagerly waiting
to subdue and conquer humility,
so I think too much of myself.
I know the rules;
the Bible makes everything clear.
Forgive me, Lord;
I’m trying, but…

Romans 7:15
Matthew 6:19
Matthew 22:39
Philippians 4:8

Hope U liked them as much as i did they blessed my heart
Have a blessed weekend

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl! Join the social party if you want! Check out my blog if you get a chance! Lovs!


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